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Enabling GTbank

Daniel retuned to Nigeria from the UK when he was asked to set-up an in-house advertising agency within GTBank, a challenge he just couldn’t turn down.

The Back Story

When D’Mastermind began, Daniel was stand-alone and his first client was GT Bank.
The organisation embedded Daniel into the GTBank offices to enable him to truly be plugged in and work across multiple divisions and teams across the bank in the most agile of manners.

The Process

Setting up an in-house advertising agency involved hiring new people who really ‘got it’ as well as challenging and eventually changing the briefing process (a process which had always historically started with the Product Managers).


In setting up an in-house agency, the internal teams had a lot of unlearning to do with regards to the briefing process and how to effectively brief a Marketing Agency or team.

Daniel recalls a time when after the MD agreed and mandated him to roll-out the new and improved briefing system across the entire bank, and he says “I distinctly remember one of the Executive Directors who had never met me, say – who is this Daniel guy and why is he changing everything?” Which made me laugh because it was true, I was consulting and had not moved through the ranks in the traditional sense, yet I was overhauling a key processes in the organisation and breaking all the historical rules.


By working closely with internal teams to identify inefficiencies in processes, and eventually change them, I was able to help shift the organisational culture from one where it relied on tried and tested processes, to a culture of continuous improvement.

Immediately the new efficiencies began to take effect on the organisation’s bottom line, as we began to see cost savings at every juncture in the new work flow.

As for D’Mastermind, the entire experience turned out to be an unplanned pilot run of how D’Mastermind would function in the future


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